Astronomy Picture of the Day

Phoenix Digs for Clues on Mars

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#107147 by @ 16.06.2008 00:00 - nach oben -
Phoenix Digs for Clues on Mars

Explanation: What's a good recipe for preparing Martian soil? Start by filling your robot's scoop a bit less than half way. Next, dump your Martian soil into one of your TEGA ovens, being sure to watch out for clumping. Then, slowly increase the temperature to over 1000 degrees Celsius over several days. Keep checking to see when your soil becomes vaporized. Finally, your Martian soil is not ready for eating, but rather sniffing The above technique is being used by the Phoenix Lander that arrived on Mars three weeks ago. Data from the first batch of baked soil should be available in a few days. Pictured above, a circular array of the Phoenix Lander's solar panels are visible on the left, while a scoop partly filled with Martian soil is visible on the right. The robotic Phoenix Lander will spend much of the next three months digging, scooping, baking, sniffing, zapping, dissolving, and magnifying bits of Mars to help neighboring Earthlings learn more about the hydrologic and biologic possibilities of the sometimes mysterious red planet. digg_url = ''; digg_skin = 'compact';

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#107153 by @ 16.06.2008 21:30 - nach oben -
i wött au ä remote gstüürets bäggerli uf em mars...
#107166 by @ 17.06.2008 16:12 - nach oben -
und den, würsch der es huuus baue ?
#107183 by @ 22.06.2008 14:43 - nach oben -
ä Sandburg, jo.
#107174 by @ 18.06.2008 22:53 - nach oben -
du lachsch etz..

normali spielplatz-bagger mit chiesplatz gits jo scho (lang)... und wenn mer das ganze chli mit hi-tech ufmotzt.. i prophezeie mol, i es paar johr gits sowas wod chasch remote sand umebaggere uf eme planet :)

und wemmer sichs überleit, es isch zwor scho behinderet, aber nöd viel meh behinderet wie dass es jetzt scho spielplatz-bagger git....
#107176 by @ 19.06.2008 16:06 - nach oben -
wenns rendiert, wieso nöd. denn findi da absolut i.o., wölls de ganze branche meh umsatz generiert, und schlussendlich au die chli sinnvollere sache devo profitiered.