Astronomy Picture of the Day

Gigagalaxy Zoom: Milky Way

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#110793 by @ 27.09.2009 00:00 - nach oben -
Gigagalaxy Zoom: Milky Way

Explanation: Our magnificent Milky Way Galaxy sprawls across this ambitious all-sky panorama. In fact, at 800 million pixels the full resolution mosaic strives to show all the stars the eye can see in planet Earth's night sky. Part of ESO's Gigagalaxy Zoom Project, the mosaicked images were recorded over several months of 2008 and 2009 at exceptional astronomical sites; the Atacama Desert in the southern hemisphere and the Canary Islands in the northern hemisphere. Also capturing bright planets and even a comet, the individual frames were stitched together and mapped into a single, flat, apparently seamless 360 by 180 degree view. The final result is oriented so the plane of our galaxy runs horizontally through the middle with the bulging Galactic Center at image center. Below and left of center are the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Magellanic Clouds. digg_url =''; digg_skin = 'compact';

Credit & Copyright
#110794 by @ 27.09.2009 05:42 - nach oben -
hanem es email gschickt, aber de sack wil us "copyright reasons" kei full res versione userucke. huere giizchrage. "copyright reasons" my ass, isch jo immerhin au mis universum.
#110798 by @ 28.09.2009 07:44 - nach oben -
e schädi. machet mer halt selber :)
#110800 by @ 28.09.2009 11:09 - nach oben -
z viel streuliecht.

mol luege wenni s nächst mol is northern territory id ferie gange.
#110818 by @ 30.09.2009 09:16 - nach oben -
i meine mit selber mache, uf de page chasch jo anezoome. müest mer nur jede abschnitt screenshote und zemebastle.
#110837 by @ 02.10.2009 23:51 - nach oben -