Another large snowball is falling toward the Sun.
Comet Garradd
was discovered two years ago by
Gordon Garradd
and is currently visible through a small telescope at
visual magnitude nine.
Officially designated C/2009 P1 (Garradd), the comet will likely
continue to brighten, with recent projections placing it at peak magnitude
six or
seven in February 2012, just below naked eye visibility.
Comet Garradd
is already showing a short
tail and is seen as the elongated fuzzy patch in the above negative image recorded earlier this month from
Yellow Springs,
Other comets are also currently falling into the
inner Solar System and brightening as well, including
C/2010 X1 (Elenin), expected to peak near magnitude six in early September,
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova expected to peak brighten past magnitude eight in mid-August, and
C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) which may become visible to the unaided eye during the early months of 2013.
Which of last week's APODs should be the APOW?