Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared

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#73367 by @ 12.05.2005 00:00 - nach oben -
The Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared

Explanation: This floating ring is the size of a galaxy. In fact, it is part of the photogenic Sombrero Galaxy, one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies. The dark band of dust that obscures the mid-section of the Sombrero Galaxy in optical light actually glows brightly in infrared light. The above image shows the infrared glow, recently recorded by the orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope, superposed in false-color on an existing image taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in optical light. The Sombrero Galaxy, also known as M104, spans about 50,000 light years across and lies 28 million light years away. M104 can be seen with a small telescope in the direction of the constellation of Virgo.

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#73368 by @ 12.05.2005 07:39 - nach oben -
wenigstens d bärbel schriebt no ab und zuä was.
#73370 by @ 12.05.2005 08:11 - nach oben -
Sie wird worschinli fast diö kontinuiärlichstä forum post stats ha. Sie wird nid viel ha, aber ...

Apropos Bärbel: wönd mer nid es anders Bild vo irä inätuä, üsi bärbel het jo kei ussehä, so viel mer isch
#73376 by @ 12.05.2005 11:13 - nach oben -
tuet mir leid, wenn i noed so vil schrib... aber han schliesslich au en job und chan nur um mitternacht online si.

wa s'bild betrifft: i wechsle mis bild, wenns mir passt!
wa s'ussehe betrifft: weisch nueme wie ich usgseh? guet stimmt, es isch dunkel gsi
#73377 by @ 12.05.2005 11:14 - nach oben -
jo voll. aber glich: wöttsch mini frau werdä?
#73378 by @ 12.05.2005 12:01, edited @ 12.05.2005 12:01 - nach oben -
chasch jo mol froge