If anyone can get me tickets to the Phish concert, I'll come to class dressed as a giant banana.
Lee Nave, 18.06 - Linear Algebra (Spring 2000)
MIT, Cambridge, MA
(http://www.profquotes.com/) - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack
(Note: 3.8)
It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, so at some point we say it is a duck -- even though it has no spatial wavefunction with theta and phi dependance -- like a duck.
Robert L. Jaffe, 8.059 - Quantum Physics III (Spring 2002)
MIT, Cambridge, MA - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack
(Note: 4.7)
Davy inhaled all the oxides of nitrogen to see if they had any beneficial effect. He was in his late teens when he did this... he did discover that nitrous oxide had some interesting effects. And as you may or may not know, [founder of MIT] William Barton Rogers used to hold nitrous oxide parties in his home.
Daniel S. Kemp, 5.12 - Organic Chemistry I (Fall 1998)
MIT, Cambridge, MA - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack
(Note: 4.3)
wer andern eine Bratwurst brät, der hat ein Bratwurstbratgerät... - _der_karl_
(Note: 4)
lieber arm und reich als krank und gesund - skaarj
(Note: 3.9)
Die Eintagsfliege wird bereits zwölf Stunden nach ihrer Geburt von ihrer Midlife-Crisis erwischt. Das muss man sich mal klarmachen! - Easy
(Note: 3.5)
Die Schule ist kein Therapiezentrum. (Günthor) - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack
(Note: 4.2)
You know your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.
(Richard M. Stallman) - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack
(Note: 1)
But now I've taken my leave of that whole sick, navel-gazing mess we called the software industry. Now I'm in a more honest line of work: now I sell beer.
(Jamie Zawinski) - Klaudermann T. Spargelzack