“I had no idea a kebab could solve so many problems.” – SNP councilor Jimmy Black on a kebab shop in Scotland who won a late night license after arguing that the food can prevent domestic abuse and house fires by people who go home drunk - IneX
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«Google decides to stop training AI on homeless people‘s faces» — futurism.com headline (Nov 22, 2019) - IneX
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«In the US, Balloons are more regulated than voting machines» – qz.com - IneX
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«Gott sieht vielleicht nicht was du gerade machst, der Staat aber schon.» – Wahlspruch der piratenpartei.ch auf PornHub - IneX
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«The Future Is More Tumors (But Faster Internet): Researcher Warns That 5G Might Actually Cause Cancer After All» - IneX
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«Semiconscious selfishness is still selfnishness» from j u s t i c e on Strange Planet (ig/@nathanwpylestrangeplanet) - IneX
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«The best way to predict the future, is to to create it.» - Abraham Lincoln - IneX
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"Nothing is cliche when it is happening to you" - Max Payne (2001) - IneX
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«turns out you first need a life to have a work/life balance issue» @IamDeveloper on Twitter - IneX
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Astronauts are out. American kids would rather be YouTubers. - IneX