#100878 by @ 23.05.2007 13:22 - nach oben -
World War Z

Okay, ich hab seit langem mal wieder ein Buch gelesen. Mit Buch meine ich natĂŒrlich "PDF".

World War Z ist eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten im Interviewstil ĂŒber den Krieg der Menschheit gegen die Zombies. Soweit, so B-Movie mĂ€ssig. Das Buch ist aber wirklich gut gemacht, und enthĂ€lt auch ein paar witzige Anspielungen an Dinge die im Moment in der Politik falsch laufen.

Ich fands recht lesenswert, ist aber mit 350 Seiten auch relativ kurz.

An Oral History of the Zombie War

By Max Brooks

The end was near. Zombies were taking over. They were infiltrating ever corner the world. No neutral ground existed, no nation was secure, and we were in serious danger of becoming extinct - overrun by hordes of the living dead.

WORLD WAR Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Crown Publishers, September 12, 2006), is a recounting of these apocalyptic and horrifying years that will make sure we never forget how close we came to total annihilation. Told from the perspective of numerous survivors from all over the world, from Denver to South Africa, Sydney to Yonkers, Malibu to India, WORLD WAR Z captures the sacrifices and, toward the end, the ingenuity of our race to defend and save our cities, towns, and villages from a plague that seemed virtually impossible to stop.
Brooks tells a moving story of courage and survival and gives us insight into the key military strategies that helped us take our world back. To this day, controversy and conversation still revolves around some key issues that WORLD WAR Z addresses such as:

- How the Walking Plague was initially covered up by corrupt governments
- Why the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services downplayed the Great Panic
- A zealous American President's mistake in putting his party's needs in an election year ahead of the safety of his people

While WORLD WAR Z does remind us of our past mistakes and the vulnerability of the human race, it also serves as a reminder that the only true difference between us and the enemy we now refer to as the "living dead" is the human factor. WORLD WAR Z also warns us not to let our guard down, to be ever vigilant, and to learn from the mistakes made in the past. Indeed, as Brooks records from a survivor in Burlington, VT: "The numbers [of zombies] are declining, thank heavens, but it doesn't mean people should let down their guard. We're still at war, and until every trace is sponged and purged and if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth, everybody's still gotta pitch in and do their job. Be nice if that was the lesson people took from all this misery. We're all in this together, so pitch in and do your job."

WORLD WAR Z is Max Brooks's life work. Logging countless hours of travel to capture and preserve first-hand experiences from the Dark Years, Brooks records in great detail the one aspect that has been neglected in all previous retellings of this war: the extraordinary job we did in coming together to thwart our extinction and reign triumphant.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Since the end of official hostilities, numerous attempts have been made to document the Zombie War. WORLD WAR Z is the definitive account of the technological, military, social, economic, and political details as told through survivors' stories of how civilization went from the brink of extinction to a universal victory against the living dead.

#100978 by @ 26.05.2007 12:16 - nach oben -
Und wie entstanden die "living deads" hier?
#101063 by @ 27.05.2007 16:50 - nach oben -
Weiss niemand. Ist aber schon ewig so.

Also nix Resident Evil mÀssiges.