Alle Boards gleichzeigit tut ne

Bug #
Priorität3 (🔹 Normal)
TitleAlle Boards gleichzeigit tut ne
BeschreibungWenn man alle Boards gleichzeitig auswählt gehts nicht

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND comments_unread.user_id = '2') WHERE is

SELECT comments.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( as date FROM comments LEFT JOIN comments_unread ON ( AND comments_unread.thread_id = AND comments_unread.user_id = '2') WHERE is NOT NULL AND comments.thread_id = AND comments.board='i' ORDER by date ASC LIMIT 0,1
Reported by @
Git Commit
Assigned to @ 17.08.2004 10:00
StatusResolved @ 1