Forumübersicht tut nicht.

Bug #
Priorität4 (▼ Niedrig)
TitleForumübersicht tut nicht.
BeschreibungMySQL Error: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND comments_unread.user_id = '124') WHERE i
SQL-Query: SELECT comments.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( as date FROM comments LEFT JOIN comments_unread ON ( AND comments_unread.thread_id = AND comments_unread.user_id = '124') WHERE is NOT NULL AND comments.thread_id = AND comments.board='b' ORDER by date ASC LIMIT 0,1
FILE: /home/CME/z/zooomclan/www/includes/
Line: 1228
Reported by @
Git Commit
Assigned to @ 03.08.2004 10:13
StatusResolved @ 1