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Zorg on ICE

Gemeldet von: @ 08.01.2009 08:22
Thursday, 08. January 2009 12 Uhr bis Sunday, 08. March 2009 08 Uhr

Mol wieder en neue VersuĂ€ch fĂŒr Zorg on ICE.

Luut 20min.ch sig dÀ BuÀbÀweier gfroorÀ, und es heg sogar Àn Heini wo schlittschuÀ vermietet dobe.

FÀnds etz no lÀÀs. Me cha sich döt au gedigÀ volllaufe lo.
1 up | 2 up |
^^^ Additional posts ^^^
#109114 by @ 08.01.2009 22:49 - nach oben -
#109116 by @ 09.01.2009 01:54 - nach oben -
de isch ĂŒbel

aber meth isch au die grusigscht droge, us miner sicht. i weiss echt nöd, wie mer druf cha cho, da z'neh, wenn mer mol ghört het wa die mit eim macht. heroin isch au nöd gad super fĂŒrd gsundheit, jo eh, aber da cha jo mol passiere, wenn mer vo allne guete geischter verloh und tumm wie brot isch. aber meth cha eigentlich nöd passiere. also i wĂŒr mi vorher umloh.

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive synthetic stimulant that affects the pleasure centers of the brain. It is considered even more addictive than heroin. Meth is sometimes referred to as "Speed," "Chalk," "Ice," "Crystal," "Glass," "Crank," "Yaba," "Fire," "Tina," and "Tweak."

Meth releases high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine (three to four time the levels attributable to cocaine), which stimulates brain cells, enhances mood and body movement, and regulates feelings of pleasure. With repeated use, Meth can "turn off" the brain's ability to produce dopamine, leaving users unable to experience any kind of pleasure from anything other than more and more Meth.

src: NotEvenOnce.com
#109121 by @ 09.01.2009 12:54 - nach oben -
jo i glaub die meischte lĂŒt, wo uf so nĂ€bis abstĂŒrzed, hĂ€nd da Ă€be no nie ghört.

es anders problem, us minere sicht, isch, dass i de schuel hĂŒfig gras mit andere droge glichgsetzt wird. und wenn dĂ€nn mol lĂŒt chli gras graucht hĂ€nd und gmerkt hĂ€nd dases nöd ase schlimm isch, verlĂŒred die andere warnige natĂŒrlich au a wert.