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^^^ Additional posts ^^^
#18280 by @ 07.04.2003 15:59 - nach oben -
bin jetzt grad nicht mehr sicher, was exclusive port heissen soll.

Entweder dass Doom3 nur auf der Xbox rauskommen soll, oder auch. Bei zweiterem frage ich mich was daran so exclusive sein soll.
Zu deiner Frage: id hasn't decided yet if they will do so
#18282 by @ 07.04.2003 16:05 - nach oben -
yeah, i read that between the lines...
but i was trying to say that the id-children were not too beautiful if they would produce only an xbox-version.
#18283 by @ 07.04.2003 16:09 - nach oben -
bert der multilinguist... :)
I don't think so either. They really wouldn't be the most beautiful ones if they would only make an xbox version... :-)

Aber ich glaub wir brauchen keine Angst zu haben dass auch id ins Lager der unschönen gewechselt hat.
#18286 by @ 07.04.2003 16:15 - nach oben -
Yeah because johnc is a big linux fan. So if id software would surrender to the camp of the ugly children, it would surprise me.

Maybe the "exclusive" meant something like "exclusive in the console market". Doesn't scratch me if there is no ps2 port, because i don't own a ps2.

(und JA, ich weiss dass man das mit dem kratzen sicher nicht sagt im englisch)
#18287 by @ 07.04.2003 16:23 - nach oben -
yeah, i think you're right...
and it would be a little horsy anyway if they would stop making pc-versions after their tradition with pc's...
#18288 by @ 07.04.2003 16:32 - nach oben -
i think id software is famous for being horsy. but maybe in a more positive manner.
#18289 by @ 07.04.2003 16:37 - nach oben -
i didn't mean to give "horsy" a negative touch, but rather as surprising or something like this...
#18290 by @ 07.04.2003 16:41 - nach oben -
oh and i though you started to develop a very intensive smell. Holy bag of straw.
#18317 by @ 08.04.2003 05:53 - nach oben -
next time @ zorg's forum:
"stamp and his story about, 'how to become most smell'Y'."
#18300 by @ 07.04.2003 21:07 - nach oben -
I think so too. I don't really care about the console market, because consoles are fruity.