by @ 30.08.2004 15:00 - nach oben -

ich werde grad um meine meinung gebeten...dazu brauch ich aber bischen hilfe von euch:

In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for cylander's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that bĂŒsis could be added to the menu.
The Debate

1. "The fact is, the bĂŒsi population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Abraham Summers. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have bĂŒsi kebabs, bĂŒsi pies, bĂŒsi-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."

2. "I agree that something needs to be done about bĂŒsi over-population," says random passer-by Elizabeth du Pont, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal."

3. "I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Johan McGuffin. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The bĂŒsis were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The bĂŒsi is part of what makes cylander a great nation!"
#45709 by @ 30.08.2004 15:04 - nach oben -
Essen essen essen! :-)
#45710 by @ 30.08.2004 15:05 - nach oben -
so geil!
also i wör fĂŒr sdritte. The bĂŒsi is part of what makes cylander a great nation!
#45712 by @ 30.08.2004 15:08 - nach oben -
ich hab mal nr. 1 gewĂ€hlt...gĂ€ngt no ab so Ă€s "bĂŒsi-on-a-stick"...*g*
#45715 by @ 30.08.2004 15:11 - nach oben -
jo das au. serschte und sdritte gönd ab. i ha dĂ€ satz eifach genial gfunde, vo wĂ€gĂ€ bĂŒsis machet dis land Ă€bĂ€ zu dem was Ă€s isch...
#45711 by @ 30.08.2004 15:06, edited @ 30.08.2004 15:07 - nach oben -
doppeltriphoppel, oder so...
#45714 by @ 30.08.2004 15:09 - nach oben -
#45716 by @ 30.08.2004 15:11 - nach oben -
Diesen hatte ich noch gar nicht... :-(
Ich hab schon 62 Millionen Einwohner!
#45719 by @ 30.08.2004 15:16 - nach oben -
hehe...jo die kommen auch nicht der reihe nach...
#45720 by @ 30.08.2004 15:17 - nach oben -
62 mio einwohner? fast soviel wie sonics mutter.
#45722 by @ 30.08.2004 15:35 - nach oben -
so etz muÀsch aber bremsÀ!
#45723 by @ 30.08.2004 15:39 - nach oben -
a was
#45724 by @ 30.08.2004 15:40 - nach oben -
wart numĂ€ i hol etz denn min grossĂ€ brĂŒĂ€dĂ€r!
#45737 by @ 30.08.2004 16:05 - nach oben -
Min grossĂ€ BrĂŒeder isch stĂ€rker als din!
#45755 by @ 30.08.2004 17:30 - nach oben -
milamber du hesch echt dini medis vergesse zneh. wenn eine behautpet er segi stĂ€rcher als de brĂŒĂ€der vode pantera denn hetter mi no nie gseh:

#45761 by @ 30.08.2004 17:37 - nach oben -
ajo, und tschau. noed z'vergesse: tschau.
#45762 by @ 30.08.2004 17:39 - nach oben -
gosch scho?
#45773 by @ 30.08.2004 18:23 - nach oben -
hmm jetzt han i grad luscht uf en cervelat
#45775 by @ 30.08.2004 18:41 - nach oben -
wötsch e fuscht?
#45786 by @ 30.08.2004 20:03 - nach oben -
guet dure bitte, jo.
#45787 by @ 30.08.2004 20:16 - nach oben -
du hesch kei chance gege mich!

#45815 by @ 30.08.2004 21:32 - nach oben -
also i find i gseh krÀsser uus
#45838 by @ 31.08.2004 07:49 - nach oben -
du machsch jo alles kaputt rund um di. und du bisch jo voll grĂŒen. da isch uh fiis.
#45924 by @ 31.08.2004 19:20 - nach oben -
neinei... ich pass guet uf bim laufe, dass ich uf kei huus oder mensche druf stoh...
Additional posts
#45789 by @ 30.08.2004 20:17 - nach oben -
Erinneret mich a mini erst Fotomontage woni is Internet gstellt han...
#45794 by @ 30.08.2004 20:33 - nach oben -
#45799 by @ 30.08.2004 20:37 - nach oben -
zeig diÀ nöd!


#45808 by @ 30.08.2004 20:52 - nach oben -
Ich wĂŒrd sie gern wieder emol gseh... :-)
Additional posts
#45810 by @ 30.08.2004 21:03 - nach oben -
eh nöd, hesch neui hosÀ?
#45816 by @ 30.08.2004 21:32 - nach oben -
nei, i hasi nur bleicht
#45837 by @ 31.08.2004 07:48 - nach oben -
#45753 by @ 30.08.2004 17:18 - nach oben -
hÀsch du doch gar nöd
#45756 by @ 30.08.2004 17:31 - nach oben -
mettler, au du muesch ufpasse
#45839 by @ 31.08.2004 07:50 - nach oben -
im ernscht. mit dinem brĂŒeder isch sicher au nöd gad guet kirsche esse.
#45744 by @ 30.08.2004 16:15 - nach oben -
also meine bartgeier sind das neue nationalgericht.
obwohl (voellig unbegruendet, imho) bei mir kein fleisch gegessen wird. sache gits :-)
#45747 by @ 30.08.2004 16:28 - nach oben -
apropos buesi:
i warn di. wenn i mol usefind, dass du binere un-abstimmig was anders waehlsch als i, chumi vorbi und leg di uebers chnue, hae! (aber do gseht mer wenigschtens ganz klar, was de delegierti waehlt. voll unrealistisch)
#45826 by @ 30.08.2004 22:19, edited @ 30.08.2004 22:20 - nach oben -
ah wa... ich bin 500 meter gross, ein muskel vo mir isch 1000mol grösser als du! ich bin viiiiiel krÀsser!
#45920 by @ 31.08.2004 18:14 - nach oben -
jo herr reply
#46081 by @ 01.09.2004 22:06 - nach oben -
wa isch?
#45948 by @ 31.08.2004 22:02 - nach oben -
Certain shadowy ministerial figures have proposed government monitoring of individual internet usage.
The Debate

1. "In these days of terror and uncertainty, it's exactly what we need," says Clint Falopian, signing an arrest warrant. "Every pervert, terrorist, bomb-building maniac and anti-government idiot is currently online. I'm not saying that we should block citizens from seeing it, but let's also watch who's seeking it out. This will give our law enforcement officers the chance to prevent crimes before they happen. If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide."

2. "Well, I AM saying we should block out that filth," says a man in a dark hat, stepping from the shadows. "If people want to use the internet, they can view our government-approved sites. Those are swell."

3. Privacy activist Miranda McAlpin is outraged, as usual. "Tyranny is the natural result of limiting information! Someone, somewhere, will always find something offensive -- mimes for example. Those scare the hell out of me. But should we ban them? No! Free the internet! We have nothing to fear from free information but pop-up advertising!"

was meint ihr ?
#45952 by @ 31.08.2004 22:19 - nach oben -
#45954 by @ 31.08.2004 23:34 - nach oben -
eigentlich 3, aber dann wird in deiner kurzbeschreibung stehen, dass bei dir kinderporno im netz legal gehandelt werde (oder sowas).
#45961 by @ 01.09.2004 07:50 - nach oben -
egal, man darf eh seine bitches gassi fĂŒhren in den "public parks"
#45964 by @ 01.09.2004 09:22 - nach oben -
"anti-government web sites are springing up"

das kommt nun davon
#45968 by @ 01.09.2004 10:03 - nach oben -
HĂ€ttest es dismissen sollen...
#45998 by @ 01.09.2004 13:07 - nach oben -
egal, macht ja nix.

das ist ja das schoene: es gibt keine revolten, die hohe kriminalitaetsrate stoert kein schwein...
naja. waer vielleicht noch cool, wenns das gaebe.
#46232 by @ 04.09.2004 18:22 - nach oben -
hehe hanen gad au gha....

The Issue

In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Fickeria's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that schoggistechers could be added to the menu.
The Debate

1. "The fact is, the schoggistecher population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Buffy Clinton. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have schoggistecher kebabs, schoggistecher pies, schoggistecher-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."

2. "I agree that something needs to be done about schoggistecher over-population," says random passer-by Jack Mombota, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal."

3. "I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Pip Bush. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The schoggistechers were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The schoggistecher is part of what makes Fickeria a great nation!"
#46237 by @ 05.09.2004 02:39 - nach oben -
"The schoggistecher is part of what makes Fickeria a great nation!"
so gsehni da au. du wirst ja sicher die nacktheitspflicht annehmen, oder?