by @ 07.10.2004 12:03 - nach oben -
Der Letze Wunsch:

Teen's dying wish for Cameron Diaz blow job not granted

PHILADELPHIA, Monday: The parents of 15-year-old leukaemia patient Josh Morten, who last night passed away after a four year battle with the illness, said they were sorry not to have fulfilled his dying wish to get a blow job from Cameron Diaz.

The courageous teenager told his family two months ago that the one thing he'd really like before he died was to be sucked off by the successful Hollywood actress and former model.

"Josh never asked for much," his father confided. "He never complained about his illness, or made unrealistic demands. So when he requested fellatio from the star of Charlie's Angels and There’s Something About Mary we thought, sure, that’s the least we can do for him."

But attempts to grant Josh his dying wish proved much more difficult than the family had initially thought. Formal requests inviting the star to perform oral sex on their dying son were repeatedly declined.
"We wrote, we rang, we faxed," Mr Morten explained. "And every time it was the same answer: 'Sorry, Ms Diaz is currently unable to comply with your request.' I mean, how unsympathetic can you get? We're talking about a dying kid here! Would it kill her?"

Mr Morten even made a special trip to Los Angeles, to try to talk to the movie star personally outside the premiere of Gangs of New York. "The crowds were ten deep," he said, "and I'm there yelling out to her from the back: 'Will you go down on my son please!', but she didn’t want to know."

With hopes diminishing by the day, Mr Morten placed similar standby requests with the agents representing Catherine Zeta Jones, Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek, but in each case the stars refused to co-operate.

"Who do they think they are, these women!" railed Mr Morten. "They earn millions of dollars and swan about at fancy parties, but when they get a simple request to bring a smile to a young boy far less fortunate than them, they turn their back on you. What kind of world do we live in when a dying teenager can no longer get his cock sucked by a celebrity?"

Quelle: http://www.chaser.com.au/show_story.asp?ID=638&ED=68&CAT=6&NAME=diaz
#51891 by @ 07.10.2004 12:35 - nach oben -

Glaub aber nicht das das stimmt ;)
#51897 by @ 07.10.2004 12:54 - nach oben -
Ich auch nicht, vorallem wenn man sich den restlichen content der site rupft. Aber amĂĽsant ist es allemal
#51916 by @ 07.10.2004 14:37 - nach oben -
Haha :-) Stimmt eh nicht.
#51986 by @ 07.10.2004 19:04 - nach oben -
interne notiz: sofort testament verfassen
#52016 by @ 07.10.2004 20:29 - nach oben -
shiat da sötti au mol mache.
#52021 by @ 07.10.2004 21:29 - nach oben -
Mein Testament

Wenn ich sterbe, kriegt Walter Samuel Boesch, Berufsschullehrer an der GBS St. Gallen, den Leasingvertrag fuer meinen Wagen.

Sowas muss ich unbedingt drin festhalten :)
#52126 by @ 08.10.2004 14:07 - nach oben -
ich möchte meine ganze hardware mit in den sarg gelegt bekommten....
#52152 by @ 08.10.2004 16:25 - nach oben -
mues jo än rise sarg si zum din cube döt inezbringe...
#52182 by @ 08.10.2004 18:57 - nach oben -
er mue us bekanntä gründ eh scho recht lang si....mä denki nur ad lichä starri *hustlängehust*
#52183 by @ 08.10.2004 18:59 - nach oben -
häsch langi bei?
#52188 by @ 08.10.2004 19:10 - nach oben -
zechänägel scho lang nömä gschnittä...