1 up | 2 up | 3 up | 4 up | 5 up | 6 up | 7 up | 8 up | 9 up | 10 up |
^^^ Additional posts ^^^
#82575 by @ 11.12.2005 01:47 - nach oben -
beer is beer in the end :) it just has to have a certain amount of alcohol :)
we can do this. it must has been david weber who told you this? if this is true say some greetings to him.
#82580 by @ 11.12.2005 01:58 - nach oben -
no it isn't david weber who told me this. i found it out myself. beer is beer and tell beer is cheaper than schüga beer. lets buy tell beer, because we are students. i invite you to a tell beer if you are back in switzerland.
#82581 by @ 11.12.2005 02:16, edited @ 11.12.2005 02:20 - nach oben -
i cant say no to a beer, it would even be inpolite :D
#82584 by @ 11.12.2005 02:55 - nach oben -
yeah, nice. see you in chur for a tell beer!
#82597 by @ 11.12.2005 10:42 - nach oben -
i bi au en studi und cha mir schüga leischtä

und taxis

und es zweitdomizil

und thomy mayonnaise (sorry aber mbudget mayo isch jo s schlimmste)