Ich hab gehört, die Schweiz soll ein Land umgeben von der EU sein, bin mir aber nicht sicher. Es wiederspricht der Theorie der Erde, sie besteht nun aus Deutschland, Ăgypten und der Schweiz (wie gesagt, ich bin mir nicht sicher).
jeee, mer sind evt. Às neus land. aber ebe, isch no umstand vo gneurere untersuechige...
Two mixed sugar tomatos meet each other. "Do you think I look badly mixed?" asked the first one. The second answered: "Your brain is too liquid now". The first again: "But why can I think then?"
Orkus met a rock yesterday. "Why are you crossing my way?" asked Orkus. So the rock answered: "Look, I didn't cross your frek'in way, I've been here since you'r born... I'm just sayin your too stoned to ask a rock those kinda questions."
Uf dĂŒtsch, i tschĂ€g nöd was eigentlich a dere vermixte sach so witzig sött si.
Three tomatoes are walking down the street - a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him... and says, "Catch up."