jo... vermuetli bisch nochher stockbsoffe :-)
aber i mue sĂ€ge... im echte lĂ€be passiered eim im bsoffene zuestand viel die krassere sache... wĂ€r no luschtig, wenn mer uf zmol gĂ€g haluzinatione kĂ€mpfe mĂŒesst.
nei, also gĂ€g die hĂ€sch jo zum glĂŒck nöd kĂ€mpfe mĂŒesse... da wĂ€r no ĂŒbel usecho.
aber mer chönnt scho so sache mache... "you are absolutely drunk and have to sleep at a friend's. on the way into bed you "accidentially" wake up a beautiful woman who has nothing better to do than beat you up. you lose 5 hp."
oder "you lean against a wall, but because of your drunkenness you slip and hit the wall with your head. you lose 3 hp."