for gods sake and to fight terrorism, i'll write this little senseless blog in english. and also because i wonder, how the zorg community handles a multilingual forum. as the irc idlers know, there is a certain verstrichen pimp named kermit, who has a relationship with some q3-bots afaik. as my second forename is "the integrator", i now try to integrate some scheiss noobs here, such as the one mentioned.
but in fact i wanted to tell you, how lazy a thing a java-course can be. we had this four lessons today, the hole moring. i was about an hour late as usual. the first two are practical work, with computers connected to the internet. so it's clear, no work can be done. i found btw out, that it's impossible to save a jpg file in the epfl network - not to my workstation, neither to a server. it made me remember a certain thing called mindless repression. however, after that, we had two lessons of java theory, that present as following: a part of the students are hacking something into their notebooks, looking films or surfing around somewhere (noticeable: i haven't recognized a single non-windows machine yet), and another, bigger part sleeps. this sleep is mostly held with the head on the arms, as we know it since we go to school. but the funny thing on readings in big university auditorium things is, that there are benches at the back. so me and a friend were lying there and listenig more or less to what the prof thougt, was interesting. that's what i call a cushy school chair.
but it's not that boring as it seems *coughcough*, because sometimes the prof shows us pics of sunny swimming pools to remember us, that his course isn't like this, or he shows a pic of the cup of coffee of his wife, which he made because he was not allowed to use the trademarked one.
y'know, cedi, that are really interesting insights in your studys.
but as you certainly know, _I_ am the one that makes himself breit everywhere.
and... nobody cares about you studying at a university with mostly retarded students :-)
Im sitting in math class now - our hardest but everybody is gaming/surfing/etc. at least im the only one surfing porn.
Your english isn't so good, i hope you attend your english classes :-)
hey duder i'm waiting for your naab head to come to my place real soon but you won't read that until you get back to your nasty appartement so here hopefully i won't look too stupid. hum so anyway i'm in favor of a multilingual community here, seems like intersting people are hanging in here, sai pas dommage hÀ. a good start would be to add an option to change the language of the site btw.
hmm looks like you got lost on the way, cuz i had time to eat a pizza and take a shit. :D
anyways i hope you'll be having a good time installing windows tonight and enjoying some games of q3. too bad my internet connection is shitty cuz i would have liked to show you who's the daddy :)
Most of the page is hardcoded in german. It would be possible to translate most parts of it using for example GNU gettext. But i doubt that any of the developers (who all have german as their native language) would go through to work to make the page accessible to non german speaking users.
Plus, you'd need someone who maintains the translation. Since Zorg isn't backed by something remotely resembling a SCMMS, you would have to run a nightly diff -R to see the changes.
And for Q3: It even runs through wireless lan, so even 56k should work okay.
hey fuckin' crackhead, i made as fast as i could, but i had to install my new masta-pimpin antenna, you know :). next time i'll bring some more beer.
yes, the multilinguality... i think in a couple of years, it will be working fine. this serious thing takes time, you know, cause our developpers build steering and working groups, hold technical discussions and write huge concepts before they begin to code... but what the hell is that thing behind the window there? ey shit a bird... cool *harrumph*
Well, i think it depends on the way you use to convince him that it's important. Most people would prefer working with gettext rather than losing their life :)
kinda funny reading in english. but hell, i thought u guys where better than that. anyway, i was going to tell y'all more 'bout drugs'n shit u'no. they'r baaaaaaad.
now, seriously since we're kinda like a highly geekish familie, wouldn't it be interessting for other peoples in the world to be able to actually understand what shit -'s talk'in 'bout? now most of u probably say "go buy some bread" i better stop at this point.
Ich ging kĂŒrzlich mittags in den GĂ€tzi Beck in Wittenbach, um Gschlunz fĂŒr ein ausgedehntes FrĂŒhstĂŒck zu kaufen. Da standen auf einem Regal unscheinbar ein paar Flaschen, angeschrieben mit BROTTRUNK und Ă€ugten mich an. Meine Fresse, war ich sofort wach! Fast noch soforter!
Ich will nichts weiter verraten ĂŒber Geschmack und Auswirkungen. Lasst Euch auch nicht davon abhalten, die wĂŒsten Sachen am Boden der Flasche in den Drink zu schĂŒtteln, schliesslich ist es flĂŒssiges Brot. Das wollen wir ja nicht in der Flasche lassen.
Doch was ich unbedingt noch probieren muss, ist der Muntermacher-Drink namens ADLERAUGE. Er macht sich wie folgt:
0,1 l Möhrensaft
0,1 l Kanne Brottrunk
1 TL Honig
Möhrensaft mit Brottrunk verquirlen und mit Honig abschmecken.
Deshalb sehen die Raben auch immer alles und sind sofort zur Stelle, wenn jemand einen Mist rauslÀsst. Sie trinken sich Adleraugen an, und werden dabei noch munter.
Mir schwebt aber noch Anderes vor... Whiskey Brot... Brot Orange... Long Brot... Broty Mary... Brott (Brot Shot (ausgesprochen mit russischem Akzent))...