du chunnsch demfall nöd mit. da isch nur öppis für physikprofessore und lüt, wo sich getraued, sich als sottigi uszgeh.
es goht nomel es zitli, aber de fortschritt isch klar ersichtlich:
LHC passes the 1000th magnet mark
At 10.30 am on 5 September, the 1000th cryo-magnet was installed in the LHC tunnel in the arc between point 3 and point 4.
The same week also saw the completion of the cryo-magnet installation between points 8 and 1, making this the first sector where all the magnets have been installed. Three other sectors (7-8, 4-5 and 5-6) are very close to completion with only a very few magnets missing, and installation work is now concentrated on sectors 3-4 and 6-7.
There are a total of 1746 cryo-magnets altogether, of which 1232 are the well-known 'blue' dipoles. The remaining 746 cryo-magnets should be transported and installed by March 2007.
Installation in the LHC tunnel is only one of many successive steps in the life of a cryo-magnet: cold mass manufacturing, cryostating, magnet testing at low temperature, preparation before lowering, transport, interconnecting, pumping down, cooling down and commissioning before injecting the first protons beams. Hundreds of collaborators, both from CERN and from the contractors, have been working hard for many years and should be warmly thanked for achieving this milestone.
i setz de event mol geg de herbscht i, mol luege wenns fertig werded.
dass mer gönd isch klar wie klossbrühe. au d'frau strub und konsorte, wo schomol mitcho sind, heged sich wieder gmeldet, sie würed mitcho, sowie waldfeeler.
mir müend denn no deciden, ob mer lieber wönd luege, wies e scheiss grossi tonne chüehlheitsstickstoff in ring pumped, wies de gross orange "I/O"-schalter umleged, oder wer.